Pixel Perfection, Painted Elegance: Explore the Captivating Intersection of Digital Precision and Artistic Expression
「Pixels & Paintsの始まりは画を描き始めたのと同じ2017年、撮影でフロリダにいた時のことだ。朝、泊まっていた部屋の窓から外を見ると、海面に映る朝焼けが見えた。色が折り重なり、光の動きと共に常に変わり続ける色と形を見た時に「なんか自分が描く画みたいだ」と思った。実は逆だった。自然を見るときにいつもこういうところに惹かれるから、それを再現するように画を描いていたとその時気がついた。
14歳の時にフォトグラファーとして仕事を始めた頃から変わらないのは、光と影が作り出す形と動きとストーリーが本当に好きだということ。Pixels & Paintsは光を追いかけ、必死に攻略した続けた20年間の集大成なのかもしれない。」- 御業ジェマイマ
The collection celebrates the innate beauty inherent in our surroundings—a beauty that reveals itself in unexpected moments and everyday marvels. Each photograph resonates with awe and wonder, inviting you to pause, reflect, and find inspiration in the world around you.
From the resplendent hues of a sunset to the intricate details of a flower in bloom, "Pixels & Paints" captures the essence of creation in its myriad forms. Through a lens of creativity and curiosity, these photographs offer glimpses of the extraordinary within the ordinary—a reminder that beauty can be found in every corner of existence if only we take the time to observe.
"Pixels & Paints" is a testament to the power of creativity and the boundless wonder of the world. Let it ignite a spark of inspiration within you, propelling you on your journey of discovery and artistic expression. For in the tapestry of creation, endless beauty is waiting to be unveiled and celebrated.
Upcoming Exhibitions
Pixels & Paints: In the Beginning
2024.11.23 sat - 12.8 sun
Living AMAMI (Amami Ōshima, Japan)
「画なのか写真なのか?」自然の中で見つけた「抽象画」がコンセプトのPixels & Paints。フォトグラファーであり、画家でもある御業ジェマイマが、光が創り出す色と動きのストーリーを切り取った作品を展示・販売。今回、鹿児島の奄美大島で作品を展示するにあたって、世界自然遺産である奄美大島、そして加計呂麻島で新たに作品を制作。奄美ブルーを初め、鹿児島の大自然を今までになかった視点で楽しめる初公開作品を海外諸国で制作した作品と合わせて公開。御業が14歳の時にフォトグラファーとして仕事を始めた頃から光を追いかけ、必死に攻略した続けた20年間の集大成。
Meet the Artist
「光が創り出す形、動き、感情、そして物語。それらが世界を造形する様は、言葉には表せない一貫性と自由が広がっている。物心ついた時には、光の持つ力に心を奪われていた。フォトグラファーとしてキャリアを歩み始めてから20年が経ち、ようやく気づいたことがある。それは、自分がここまで諦めずに創り続けられた理由の一つは、根底に『光』への探究心と情熱があったからだということ。そして、今でもその光が変わらず自分の中で燃え続けている。」- 御業ジェマイマ
“I've always been captivated by the transformative power of light, how it sculpts the world, infusing it with movement, shapes, and emotions. After over two decades in the commercial realm, I've come to realize that this fascination fuels my creative drive. Through my work, I aim to freeze the ephemeral beauty of our ever-changing world, revealing moments of transcendence and wonder. Join me as I invite you to see the world anew, to discover the hidden artistry that surrounds us.” - Miwaza Jemimah
"Pixels & Paints" is a lifelong journey that began with the stroke of a paintbrush and the blank canvas of an artist's soul. Miwaza found solace and expression in the abstract realm, where colors danced and shapes whispered secrets of the universe.
It was amidst the swirls of paint and the whispers of inspiration that Miwaza's artistic vision began to take shape. This vision transcended the boundaries of the canvas and reached out to embrace the world beyond. As the colors mingled and merged, so did the boundaries between art and reality, blurring into a seamless tapestry of creation.
During this time, Miwaza's eyes were opened to the beauty surrounding them in ways they never did before—not only in the vibrant hues of their paintings but also in the ever-changing landscapes of the natural world. Each sunset, rock, sand, and tree, each fleeting moment, became a canvas waiting to be captured—a testament to the boundless creativity that permeates all of existence.
“You paint Your master piece with just Your Words.
With beauty and peace, You fill this world.
Your song brought this World into an existence.
'Let there be light'.”
- Miwaza Jemimah