Story behind the collection.
Since 2017.
“To me, painting is like taking a breath—a vital expression of the urges within my soul to embrace life and color, even amidst the darkest days. In 2017, while on a project in Florida, I witnessed a breathtaking sunrise from my room. The sea shimmered with hues of pink, orange, white, and blue, captivating me with its ever-changing movements and shapes. It struck me how reminiscent this view was of the abstract paintings I create. At that moment, I understood why specific colors and movements drew me in when I painted.
I snapped a photo of that sunrise, marking the inception of the "Pixels & Paints" collection. Since then, I've continued to capture nature's "abstract paintings," but it wasn't until 2022 that I earnestly considered transforming these images into a cohesive collection. One day, I shared a photograph from the 'collection' with my dear brother. His response was a simple yet profound question: 'Why are you not sharing this with the world?' He helped me realize that I had been unconsciously curating a 'collection' of abstract paintings found in nature for many years.”
-Miwaza Jemimah
In the Beginning
Pixels & Paintsの原点は、新たな挑戦を始めた2017年、その年のある朝のことです。撮影で訪れたフロリダでの朝、窓越しに見た海面に映る朝焼けが、心を揺さぶりました。光と色が織りなす絶え間ない変化の美しさを目の当たりにした瞬間、それがまるで自分が描いた抽象画のようだと感じたのです。しかし、実際にはその逆であることにも気付きました。私の作品は、自然の美しさを追い求める中で生まれた表現だったのです。
この度のコレクション発表を機に、これまでの制作物を振り返り、新たな作品を制作することが、自分のものづくり原点を見つめ直す機会ともなりました。14歳でフォトグラファーとしてのキャリアをスタートさせた頃から変わらず胸に抱き続けているのは、光と影が紡ぎ出す形、動き、そして物語への深い愛情です。Pixels & Paintsは、光を追い求め、試行錯誤を重ね続けた20年間の軌跡の集大成と言えるかもしれません。
- Miwaza Jemimah
Miwaza Jemimah Francis
Miwaza Jemimah is an award-winning artist, photographer, video producer, designer, published painter, entrepreneur, and web developer with a life mission to pursue creativity to share a message of hope with the world. She started her career first as a freelance photographer/entrepreneur when she was 14 and has expanded her business ever since. With her multicultural life experience as a bilingual nomadic Japanese artist fulled with passion and empathy, she brings diversity and power to the stories she captures.
1989年生まれのアーティスト/フォトグラファー/ビデオグラファー/起業家/グラフィックデザイナー/クリエイティブディレクター。2004年より、国内外でのコマーシャル撮影やマーケティングコンテンツの制作を手がけ、その作品は多くの企業やブランドから高く評価されている。日本の文化的ルーツと豊富な海外でのクリエティブ経験を武器に、アートを通して人間のストーリーを豊かに表現し、国際的に活躍する。 (
“Every time I created, I felt safe and alive. And I feel even more so now.”
-Miwaza Jemimah
After almost two decades, as I look through the lens of life, I realized that it was never a shattered dream. And this is that story.
It all started with just one tool: a homeschool dropout with a small point-and-shoot camera. I decided one day that I am a professional photographer, and I was 14 years old. The truth was photography and graphic design were the only things I could sit still and work on until I was satisfied with the work. Every time I created, I felt safe and alive. And I feel even more so now. I did not have much, but I had a simple idea. And my idea was to make living with what I had then.
My business grew from photography/graphic design to something much bigger and from career to calling. It's been one of the longest, most challenging, and most rewarding journeys. It taught me patience, persistence, empathy, compassion, love, and more.
It took me literally all around the world. And the best part is the phenomenal humans and the beautiful stories I got to connect through it. And I'm so grateful for this job/calling for a million reasons.
Even during the most challenging times, when I was on the shoot or at production meetings, I felt confident and knew I mattered. It gave me a sense of purpose. When I focused on creating, I always felt like I was in a safe space, somewhere I could always return to.
When I was younger, I sometimes thought I chose the wrong career because I felt I wasn't "helping" people like nurses, doctors, teachers, or lawyers. But then I realized that the ways I get to serve people and the opportunities I have to help others just looked different from others. I stopped comparing and started embracing each chance I had. And I'm glad I didn't give up.
I'm grateful I never stopped creating because today, I can confidently say, "I'm proud of how far I come and who I become through this journey."
-Miwaza Jemimah (2023)